Liberi Developer Guide: Heart

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The Heart class is a client-side class which allows game scripts to read and respond to player heart rate in a meaningful manner. In order for the Heart class to function, there must be a device present and regularly providing heart rate information via injection (see below). For full details, read the source file at Scripts/Core/Heart.cs.



  • HeartTier
Enumeration of heart rate tiers. Possible values: Normal, Target, Vigorous, Extreme.


  • Rate
The current heart rate.
  • Tier
The "tier" of the current heart rate, as determined by the local player's health profile. The tier can be any of the values defined by the HeartTier enumeration (see above).
  • TierTime
The amount of time for which the player has maintained the current heart rate.


  • TierChanged
This event is fired when the latest change in heart rate resulted in a change of heart rate tier.


  • InjectRate
Call this method from a device script in order to provide heart rate information. For example, this can come from a heart rate monitor, or it can come from the keyboard or even a text file for simulated heart rates.