Liberi Developer Guide: Player Data

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Player data is used to store persistent data or configuration settings about any particular player in a way such that it can easily be modified by non-technical staff, without needing to recompile the game. Normally these attributes will only need to be modified in the event of an error or if specific values need to be modified for a player. These values include whether or not the player is a monitor, what the player's avatar is wearing, how much libi the player has, and the latest checkpoint the player has hit.


Every time a new player joins a file is added on the world server in the "Players" directory. Each player's file is a Jeli document called a "page", which are essentially plain-text files with a .dat extension.

Modifying Players

In order to make a modification to one of these files the client will need to be disconnected from the server. Otherwise the server will overwrite any modifications made to these files. To make a change disconnect the desired player, modify the corresponding .dat file, then reload the client.


To create a monitor client, set IsMonitor to True in the desired player's .dat file. Launching a monitor client is otherwise same as for a player client.


On the server there is a default player file that is used when new players are created. Whenever a player is added to the server for the first time a .dat file is created for them which is named <player name>.dat. When created it will be an exact duplicate of the default.dat file. Therefore, if you want any changes to be made by default for new players (for instance, increasing default libi for debugging purposes) then make the changes in the default.dat.

Please note, for these changes to take effect the server will need to be restarted after the default.dat file is changed.

As well, changing the formatting of the default.dat file has been known to cause problems with new players loading into the world. If modifications need to be made to the values then only make the change to the value, but not to the variable itself. If in doubt, just leave the variable blank. For instance: "head = " is sufficient.