Ubiquitous Ambient Gaming - Meeting April 15th, 2010

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April 15th, 2010

Changes on the game



After the evaluation with the paper prototype, we realized that the idea of logical circuit was too complex and that finding circuits of same difficulty, not too complex and not too easy, was going to be difficult. Moreover, it appeared that if the power sources are fix in space, the ambient audio would only be used at the beginning of the game to find the power sources, and then the players would rely on their memory to find them again.

The goal of this meeting was to rethink the game so that it would be more appealing to players and it would make a better use of ambient audio. The meeting was done with the same participants.

Ideas generated

During this meeting, we thought of ways to modify the Logical circuit game, but we mainly developed another game.

Reflections on the Logical circuit game

We thought of ways to implicate more the ambient audio in the game already existing. It appeared that some targets had to move, or some new targets had to appear along the game. We also thought of other means to use the ambient sound.

The ideas proposed follow :

  • The power sources could change position after a certain amount of time, the countdown being indicated thanks to a sound.
  • The power sources would not be moving but, they would run out of fuel and the players would have to find trucks to refuel them, but the trucks would not stay at the same place.

The ambient audio could also be used to tell a player the state of a power source, or the state of the game (is he close to win?)

Change of game

We thought that maybe the Logical circuit game was not the best to develop, and we worked on other possible games. The reflections went through a new version of “rock, paper, scissors” and another one of PacMan.

But we finally settled for the idea of a zoo breakout.

All the cages of a zoo have been opened and the animals are wandering in the city. The player has to bring back the animals to their cages (the cages are located at different spots). A player earns money for each animal that he brings back. Some animals can be caught without any tools, some require tools to be caught. A player can buy tools with the money he has earned. The goal is to earn as much as possible.

There are 4 types of animals : three that can be caught and brought back into their cages, and tigers that can’t be caught and can eat the animals. If a player gets too close to a tiger, the tiger will eat the animals he had collected.

The zoo breakout game was chosen to be developed and tested.