Talk:Computer-Aided Exercise

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ItsARiddle: A good idea might be to include a heart rate monitor to ensure that users are not exceeding their max heart rate (rate depends on age)...or are working out at 70% of max rate (for fat burn) or higher (for cardio workout).

NG: Thanks Riddle. The bike actually has one built in, accessible through the Tunturi protocols. Do you have references for the 70% number?

ItsARiddle: Not off the top of my head. I know that the exercise machines at the gym I go to have it written on them (with nice graphs because heart rates depend on age). Some google-supplied links are The Walking Site and The US Department of Health and Human Services.


ItsARiddle: Another option might be to use two data projectors and a silver screen (like in the movies) to get a nifty 3D display. If you polerize each projecter differently and then wear glasses with differently polerised lenses you'll see the image from each projector in the appropriate eye - light reflected off a silver screen keeps polerisation. Something like this: