Liberi Developer Guide: Setup

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This article will show you how to get setup with everything you need to develop with Liberi.


1. Install Unity

Download and install Unity from the Unity Downloads Archive. At the time of writing, Liberi was maintained using Unity version 4.6.4f1. You'll need a Pro license. The lab should be able to able to provide this. SYS (see your supervisor).

2. Install TortoiseSVN

Download and install TortoiseSVN if you are on a Windows machine. If you are on a Mac, there may be other SVN tools available.

3. Checkout Liberi

Checkout Liberi using TortoiseSVN (or just SVN) from the following path:

svn:// Fit n Fun/branches/Doomsday

You will need to enter valid credentials to access the repository. SYS.

4. Symlink the Unity Project (optional)

This step is an optional hack to allow you to open up two Unity instances of the same project, letting you test multiplayer games like Liberi without having to rebuild. Under the repository, you will find a Liberi folder. This contains the Unity project for Liberi. Create a new empty folder called Liberi2 beside it. If you are running Windows, open up a command prompt, navigate to your repository, and run these commands:

mklink /j Liberi2\Assets Liberi\Assets
mklink /j Liberi2\ProjectSettings Liberi\ProjectSettings

It is important to use backslashes in the paths above, not forward slashes.

TODO: Add instructions for Mac.

You should now be able to run two Unity instances, have Liberi open in one of them, and have Liberi2 open in the other. Because these are two separate folders, Unity is tricked into thinking it has two projects open. However, their contents are symbolically linked, so they are actually the same project. This means you can make modifications to the code, and use one of the Unity editors to run the server, while using the other to run a client. You can also run two clients, etc. More about this in the Workflow article.

5. Install IDE (optional)

You can use any IDE or text editor to write code for Liberi, but Visual Studio is recommended if you are running on Windows. You can use Visual Studio Community Edition with the UnityVS Tools. VS Community Edition is free to use for academic purposes and up to 5 installs in the lab for non-academic. For full License details see here.