Installing Ogre and LIAV for CISC 877

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These instructions describe how to install the Life is a Village game for development under Windows. The installation also includes stubs that can be used to carry out the Ogre tutorials.



You will need the following:

  • A Windows PC
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 sp1

The software can be obtained via a URL given in class. The file is approximately 900 MB in size.

Visual Studio 2005

The Visual Studio software can be obtained from the MSDN Alliance web site. More information will be provided in class.

Our software is compatible with Visual Studio 2008 sp1 only. It will not work with earlier or later versions of Visual Studio.

Service Pack 1 of Visual Studio 2008 can be obtained here. The service pack may take considerable time to install.


You need the latest version of the DirectX runtime libraries. Carry out the instructions at this page to ensure you have the version necessary to run Life is a Village.

Life is a Village

All of your code for Life is a Village will be located in the directory of your choice, e.g., C: or My Documents. The installation we have given you includes:

  • The Ogre runtime library
  • Various other runtime libraries that are required for the program, such as the DevIL image manipulation library, the CEGUI 3D GUI library, etc.
  • Media used in Life is a Village or that you may wish to add to the game, including models for trees, buildings and people
  • The source code for Life is a Village
  • Directories that you can use to do the Ogre tutorials

Installing Life is a Village

Unzip the file to the directory of your choice. The result should be the directory CISC 877 - 2010W containing the following folders:

  • LIAV: contains the source, media and runtime libraries for Life is a Village
  • ogre: contains the OGRE source files
  • ogre-libraries: contains the OGRE library files
  • Tutorials: contains folders for you to complete the OGRE tutorials

Compiling Life is a Village

To compile and execute the game:

  • Open the folder CISC864\LIAV\scripts
  • Double-click LIAV_864.sln to open the LIAV project in Visual Studio 2005

In Visual Studio 2008:

  • Right-click the LIAV_864 project, and select Properties
  • Choose Configuration Properties | Debugging on the tree on the left.
  • Choose All Configurations from the Configuration combo-box on the top left
  • In the attribute list on the right, choose "Working Directory"
  • Paste ..\bin\$(ConfigurationName) into it, and click OK.

To Compile:

  • Select Build | Batch Build...
  • Make sure the LIAV_864 Debug|Win32 and Release|Win32 options are set
  • Click on the Build button

This will compile both the debugging and release versions of the game from scratch. Depending on the speed of your computer, this compilation may take several minutes.

Running Life is a Village

There are three ways of executing the program:

  • For debugging: in Visual Studio 2008, click the green arrow in the toolbar
  • For non-debugging (faster) execution: in Visual Studio 2008, type Ctrl-F5
  • Or outside Visual Studio 2008, execute one of:
    • CISC864\LIAV\bin\Release\LIAV_864.exe
    • CISC864\LIAV\bin\Debug\LIAV_864.exe


In my experience, problems with getting the software to run are almost always a consequence of skipping or incorrectly performing one of the steps above. If you run into problems, run through the steps again carefully.

Advanced Tip

The package includes the source for Ogre. You should not need to recompile Ogre, but if you decide to do so, you will also need the August 2009 DirectX SDK. This is available here. Install the DirectX SDK after you install Visual Studio 2008, so that the installer correctly configures your Visual Studio project paths. (You can do this manually if you prefer, of course.)

Let me emphasize that you only need to download and install this SDK if you wish to recompile the Ogre renderer, which you should not need to do.

OGRE Tutorials

The OGRE tutorials are available from the OGRE web site. We have made it easy for you to carry out the tutorials under the CISC864 bundle.

  • Open the CISC877/Tutorials folder.
  • Double-click Tutorials.sln to open the tutorials projects in Visual Studio 2005

In Visual Studio 2005, configure the working directory for each tutorial project:

  • Right-click the project name, and select Properties
  • Choose Configuration Properties | Debugging on the tree on the left.
  • Choose All Configurations from the Configuration combo-box on the top left
  • In the attribute list on the right, choose "Working Directory"
  • Paste $(ConfigurationName) into it, and click OK.

Follow the directions in each tutorial, filling in the source files that we have provided (e.g., basic_01.cpp for basic tutorial 1.)