CISC 877 Mid-term Progress Presentation

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This page describes the first progress presentation for CISC 877. This project checkpoint consists of two parts: a presentation and a written report. By this point in the term, you should have made substantial progress towards the completion of your "interesting technology" and the game you are creating to support it, and so should be able to show a convincing demonstration of your work.



Your report should have the following structure:

  • Introduction. Briefly describe the interesting technological challenge that you are solving, the solution you have adopted, and the game that you are developing to illustrate the use of your solution.
  • Interesting technological challenge. Describe in detail the technological problem that you are addressing and describe your approach to solving this problem. Include references to existing solutions to this problem.
  • Game description. Describe the game from a player's perspective and how it illustrates your technology.
  • Evaluation. Describe how you will demonstrate that your solution actually makes progress toward solving the problem. This may include experiments with players, performance experiments, or other techniques appropriate to the problem you are addressing.
  • Implementation design. Describe the architecture of your game, and the tools and languages being used to implement it. List and describe any third party tools you are using. Describe design and results of play-testing performed to-date, and how it has impacted your game's design.
  • Project milestones. Explain how you are breaking up your work into steps, and when you plan to have each step finished. Your milestones should be structured to show a safe set of features that you are sure you can complete, and an extended set of features that you may have time to complete.

Your report should be approximately 10 pages in printed form (1" margin, 11 pt, 1.5 line spacing).

Consult with me well in advance about how you intend to address each of the above sections.


Presentations should by multi-media, involving mock-ups or early demos of the game.

The time allocated to each presentation will be determined by the number of people enrolled in the class; this information will be provided in class.

All students must attend all presentations.

Group Statement

Along with your report, provide a brief (1 paragraph) statement of who did what towards the project.

Optionally, you may provide a mark adjustment in your group statement, allowing you to reward member(s) of your group who contributed significantly more to the project than others. E.g., a group consisting of Alice, Bob and Cleo might give a mark adjustment of +3, -2, -1 to each of the three members. If the project received a grade of 85, the assigned grades would then be Alice: 88, Bob: 83, Cleo: 84. If no mark adjustment is provided, all group members will receive the same grade. I reserve the right to make grade adjustments based on the group presentation and discussions with the group.

The group statement should be signed by all group members to indicate their agreement with its contents.


The following should be sent to me by email:

  • Your report in PDF format

The following should be brought to class:

  • Your signed group statement