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Revision as of 15:32, 17 August 2010 by (Talk)
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Sprint 1: May 13th to May 17th

Goals are to learn Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and to implement a map view in a WPF Application with objects that can be dragged around the screen.

  • A map of Canada showing circles and squares that can be dragged around has been completed.

Sprint 2: May 17th to May 31st

  1. Add interface widgets from UWO's Aspect application into the Equis Simulation.
    • PenMenu and BorderMenu widgets were added to the simulation. The others were specific to the Aspects Navy Simulation but could be retooled as needed.
  2. Ordering of the Interactive Surface Development Kit and Anoto Pens
    • Have gotten pricing details of the SDK but still waiting for the invoice and shipment by Michael Haller.
  3. Evaluation of Projectors
    • Have determined that the current Boxlight CD-737x projectors are appropriate.
  4. Implement current EquisFTIR API using TUIO in order to communicate with CCV.
    • Completed: Instructions for switching to this implementation are available here.

Sprint 3: May 31st to June 10th

  1. Projector mounting
    • Supplies have been purchased for mounting the projectors.
    • Contacted Campus Services to mount the boards on the ceiling.
  2. Set speeds of entities and set their animation duration based on this speed.
    • 100% Completed
  3. Add two types of entities (tank and soldier) and set their speeds in a dialog box.
    • 100% Completed
  4. Integration of anoto pens into the simulation.
    • Started but waiting on pens.
  5. Anoto version of equisFTIR library.
    • Started but not tested due to lack of pens.

Sprint 4: June 10th to June 24th

Work plan in priority order:

  1. Support for Anoto pens
    • Adding ability to control simulation using the Anoto pens and to accept multiple user inputs at once.
  2. Attacking enemies
    • Push down on a friendly unit and drag a path to an enemy unit, pull up and the friendly unit will travel within range of the enemy and begin attacking.
  3. Collision detection
    • When the pen is pushed down on a unit and dragged along a path that includes a collision, the unit will stop when it reaches the collision.
  4. Clearing Obstacles
    • Implement obstacles such as a broken-down tank on the road.
    • Push down on an engineering unit and drag to an obstacle, pull up the pen and the engineer will travel to the obstacle and begin clearing it.
  5. Grouping of units
    • Drag a path around a set of units in order for them to be grouped together.
    • Push down on a unit to bring up a menu that allows the unit to be removed from the group.

Sprint 5: June 28th to July 19th

  1. Aggregates
    • Ability to show aggregates as a single icon or to show the individual members on screen.
      • Completed 100%
    • Icons of aggregates should be based on the standards used in current army simulation software.
      • Currently created image for a company of tanks, others to follow.
    • Ability to give orders to aggregates, which passes on orders to individual units.
      • Aggregates can perform movement orders but movement is not passed on to individual units.
      • Orders given to an aggregate are given priority over orders given to an individual.
    • Moving an entity from one aggregate to another.
      • Must deaggregate entity and then aggregate into another.
    • When switching from aggregate to individual view, entities should move into line, column or box formation.
      • Not yet implemented.
  2. Line of Sight
    • Units should only be able to fire when they have a line of sight to the enemy.
      • Units will only first when they are within range of the target.
    • In this first iteration, line of sight is based solely on being within a certain radius of the enemy.
    • Whether the entity should automatically fire is based on a combination of two boolean values "shoot" and "hold fire".
      • Not yet implemented.
  3. Map
    • Using a 20km^2 map of the region between Kingston and Gananoque.
      • Map added but higher resolution images are necessary.
  4. Future Considerations
    • Customized views
      • Allow multiple users to look at different sections of the map and at different scales.