The Titans

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Realistic Physics Modelling in a Third-Person Video Game

CISC 864 Video Game Development


5 April 2006

The final phase of the physics sub-system for CISC864 Winter 2006 is complete. It was checked into the SVN repository this afternoon.

All formal documents, including the final report are available from this web site. See the links below.

3 March 2006

The avatar can now jump in the air. This was achieved by creating a physics subsystem. As well, the way the avatar moves, as controlled by CAXInGameState::updateAvatar() has been extended.

As of SVN revision 22, LIAV contains this feature. The new physics subsystem has ODE as an external dependency. Before you update, you should install ODE. Click below for help installing and integrating ODE into the project.

Step-By-Step Guide To Installing ODE From CVS

Formal Project Documents

Titans Project Proposal

Titans Project Report 1

Titans Project Report 2

Titans Final Project Report