Life is an Obstacle Course

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Revision as of 17:13, 22 January 2008 by Tstach (Talk | contribs)
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Group Name

Shake and Bake

Project Title

Life is an Obstacle Course

Group Members

  • Adam (aka Magic Man)
  • Tad (aka El Diablo)

Project Goals

Develop a virtual obstacle course using the Life is a Village game engine. This includes:

  • Start and end points
  • A path or course that the player must follow (with penalties for deviating)
  • Objects to avoid (possibly jump over, duck under, or turn to dodge)
  • A timer, and scoring system
  • Variable difficulty

If these goals are met and some time remains in the course, the obstacle course may be integrated into LIAV in the following ways:

  • Multiplayer compatibility
  • NPC's which challenge players to beat their high score, and reward the player with resources or prizes
  • "Working out" on the obstacle course often could result in an increased normal walking speed for a period of time

How changes appear to the player

The speed at which the course is traversed is determined by how fast the bike is pedaled. Jumping/turning/crouching is done with the controller. The course itself will appear as some sort of distinguishable track on the terrain. A heads-up display will show the time and other pertinent information.


The following models will be needed:

  • An avatar which has some animation for moving (and ideally jumping/ducking)
  • Obstacles such as boxes, barrels, other wacky things
  • Terrain textures (mud, ice, rock, etc.)
  • Starting/ending gates of some kind

Technological Issues

  • Adding physics for collision detection (going off course or hitting obstacles), jumping/ducking
  • Implementing the starting/finishing states
  • Scoring and timing mechanisms
  • Game communicates with bike (variable resistance based on terrain)