Lab Open House

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To-do list for Thursday's open house.



  • [Nick] Put up posters in Goodwin, etc.
  • [Kathleen] Posters in Ontario Hall, JDUC
  • [Dean] Whig Standard, Gazette
  • [all] Send mail to all our friends

Preparing Lab

  • [Nick] Return boxes to Goodwin
  • [all] General tidy-up
    • [Tad, Rob, Nick, Jeff] Mantlepiece, various random boxes of junk
    • [Kathleen] Try to find tablecloth for computer table in big room
  • [Tad+Jeff] Ensure second projector is calibrated, attached to PC in back room
  • [Rob] Put rubber stripping on table (paper thanks Chris!, Projector thanks everybody else!)
  • [Banani+Chris] Get missile command game working on table
  • [Rob] Prepare for art students to use some computers upstairs clean off desks, etc.
    • [Rob] I'll be setting up two XSI boxes in "my" office this morning
      • [Rob] One of the network jacks in the office is a dud! In order to get XSI to work, I had to use the wireless router from the other room. Sorry about the mild spaghetti this causes, but it was the only way. I tried just launching XSI with the cable it, but it tests the server every 10 minutes or so.
    • [Rob] I'll clean off mine.
    • [Jeff] desk cleaned.
  • [Rob] Ensure XSI running on at least one good computer (e.g., Rob's)
  • [Tad+Rob+Nick] Move bookshelves to garage
  • [Jeff] Test PS2 controller working in main room, have batteries Test PS2 controller in kitchen room Get batteries for controllers
  • [Jeff+Tad] Test bike in back room
  • [Rob+Jeff] Move chairs to basement
  • [Rob] Feed basement troll
  • [Nick] Get garbage bags for cleanup afterwards
  • [Nick] Get tape for wires


  • [Nick] Find way to hang up posters
  • [?] Finish hanging posters
  • [Rob, Chris, Banani] Find our posters (Fiia, Liav, etc.) and evaluate what we want to show
  • EQUIS Posters
    • CAX (35" x 42")
    • Workspace (42" x 30")
    • Consistency Maintenance (32" x 42")
  • CISC 877/ARTF 338 Posters
    • XSI (4' x 3')
    • Muhammad (2' x 3')
    • S+J (3' x' 2')
    • Farzad (3' x 2')
    • Adam+Tad (4' x 3')


  • [Nick] Order food
  • [Nick] Pick up drinks at supermarket