CISC 864 First Progress Presentation

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This page describes the first progress presentation for CISC 864. This project checkpoint consists of two parts: a presentation and a written report.



Your report should address

  • Description of your project. What changes you are making to the game mechanics and gameplay from the point of view of a player.
  • User interface. How your changes will be revealed in the user interface of the game.
  • Art requirements. What art requirements (if any) you have, and what arrangements (if any) you have made with art students to work on that art.
  • Project milestones. How you are breaking up your work into steps, and when you plan to have each step finished.
  • Technology. How your changes will impact the architecture of the game (including supporting diagrams and textual documentation.) What third-party packages you are using and how they work.
  • Interaction with other groups. If your project affects work that other groups are doing, what mechanisms do you have in place to cooperate and to coordinate your changes?


Your presentation is to be 20 minutes in length. Each presentation will receive a 40 minute time slot, including time for 20 minutes of discussion.

Please email me your presentation slides by Thursday Feb 16, 5:00 PM so that I can pre-load them on my computer. This will save time in shuffling computers during the presentations. If there is a compelling reason why you need to present on your own computer, please let me know in advance.

All students are to attend all presentations.

Group Statement

Along with your report, provide a brief (1 paragraph) statement of who did what towards the project.

Optionally, you may provide a mark adjustment in your group statement, allowing you to reward member(s) of your group who contributed significantly more to the project than others. E.g., a group consisting of Alice, Bob and Cleo might give a mark adjustment of +3, -2, -1 to each of the three members. If the project received a grade of 85, the assigned grades would then be Alice: 88, Bob: 83, Cleo: 84. If no mark adjustment is provided, all group members will receive the same grade. In cases where groups cannot agree on a mark adjustment, no adjustment will be applied.

The group statement should be signed by all group members to indicate their agreement with its contents.


The following is due by email on the 16th by 5:00 PM:

  • Your powerpoint presentation

The following is due in class on the 17th:

  • Printout of your report (from the wiki)
  • Signed group statement